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U.S. Attorney of Kansas Recognizes PBPN on Safety Grant

September 22, 2013 –

WICHITA: The U.S. Department of Justice has awarded public safety grants totaling almost $1 million to two Kansas Indian tribes, U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said today.

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation has been granted $777,096. Another Kansas tribe, the Sac And Fox Nation of Missouri, has been granted $222,799.

“We’re increasing our efforts to support tribal communities and to build and sustain tribal justice systems,” Grissom said.

The grant to the Prairie Band Potawatomi from the Justice Department’s Office On Violence Against Women is targeted to help decrease the incidence of violent crime against Indian women and to ensure that perpetrators of violent crimes committed against Indian women are held accountable.

“Violence against native women continues at alarming rates and children in Indian country encounter violence far too often,” Grissom said.

The grant to the Sac And Fox Nation comes from the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program overseen by the Office of Justice Programs. Tribes were encouraged to apply for funds to enhance tribal justice systems and support alcohol and substance abuse programs.

Grissom is attending a meeting of Attorney General Eric Holder’s Native American Issues Subcommittee in Celilo Village, Ore., where the grants were announced. The Justice Department awarded 192 grants to 110 American Indian tribes, Alaska Native villages, tribal consortia and tribal designated non-profits. The grants will provide more than $90 million to enhance law enforcement practices and sustain crime prevention efforts.


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