11444 158th Road, Mayetta, KS 66509 | P. 785-966-2242| ONLINE BILL PAY
Prairie Band Potawatomi Judicial Court Docket – Public Notice
In 1992, by Tribal Council Resolution No. 92-55, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation established and activated a court system pursuant to the Tribal Constitution, comprising of the Tribal District Court and Court of Appeals.
The Dispute Resolution System was modified by constitutional amendment in 2008 wherein there was established a separate and independent branch of government, a Judicial Council of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. The Judicial Council is comprised of a judge of the District Court, justices of the Court of Appeals and magistrates of the Employment Disputes Tribunal. Also established is a separate mediating branch known as Peacemakers Circle.
The District Court is a general jurisdiction court of record that hears all matters within the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s jurisdiction except for election and employment-related disputes.
The Court of Appeals is the Court of last resort to which appeals may be taken from the District Court. The judicial decisions of the Court of Appeals are final and are not subject to further appeal.
The Employment Disputes Tribunal has the responsibility for deciding all government employment-related disputes and is comprised of five individuals called magistrates who are appointed by the Tribal Council and the Nation’s employees. The procedures that govern the actions of the Tribunal will be as defined by the Nation’s law.
The Peacemakers Circle is a mediating branch. Members are determined by the General Council and they shall have the authority for mediating disputes voluntarily submitted to them by the involved parties. The Nation’s law will define the procedures that govern the actions of the Peacemakers.
The PBPN Healing to Wellness court (HTWC) is unlike the typical criminal court. Gone are the attributes of the adversarial system as the team focuses on the healing process instead of retribution and punishment. The HTWC is a team-based treatment approach system that promotes the wellness of individual tribal members so that they can become powerful and contributing members of the community.
For more information regarding the HTWC contact:
Erin Pahmahmie at erinpahmahmie@pbpnation.org or by phone 785-966-2242.
Honorable Jessica Bear, Administrative Court Judge
Honorable Shawn Watts, Tribal District Court Judge
Honorable John Wabaunsee, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals
Honorable Duane McCrary, Associate Justice, Court of Appeals
Honorable Stacy Leeds, Associate Justice, Court of Appeals
Maria Patterson, Judicial Administrator
Erin Pahmahmie, Healing to Wellness Coordinator
Tina Neiss, Deputy Court Clerk
All mail to the District Court and Court of Appeals should be addressed to:
11444 158 Road
Mayetta, Kansas 66509
To contact the District Court and Court of Appeals
Toll-free 866-966-2242
Fax Number – 785-966-2662
Contact via e-mail should be made to tribalcourt@pbpnation.org