Shirley Trull has been appointed by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council to serve as Tribal Council Member #2. Trull was sworn into the council on Monday, May 20, 2019, and a formal Swearing-In Ceremony occurred on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at the historic Rock building.
The PBPN Tribal Council Member #2 term began in 2016 and became vacant in April 2019 after Thomas Wabnum relinquished the position due to personal reasons. Pursuant to the PBPN Constitution, Article XII – Vacancies and Removals, if a vacancy occurs during the second half of the term following the regular election for the position vacated, the Tribal Council shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The Tribal Council interviewed 13 tribal members for the position, ultimately selecting Trull.
“I am grateful to Tribal Council for this appointment and want to serve in the best interests of our Nation,” stated Trull.

Newly appointed Tribal Council Member #2 Shirley Trull addresses the audience at her formal swearing-in ceremony.
Trull was raised in Topeka, coming back and forth to the common land. She moved to Kansas City, Missouri and worked for Honeywell F, M, & T for 27 years. Trull was the Executive Housekeeper for Prairie Band Casino and Resort and has also worked for two government agencies, the Department of Commerce (Census) and Dept of the Treasury (IRS) In Kansas City, Missouri. Most recently Trull was a Financial Officer within the PBPN Social Services department from May 2014 until January 2019. Trull is the daughter of Alvina (Wamego) LaClair and the late Milton LaClair.
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The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council: Back – Vice Chairman Zach Pahmahmie, Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie, Member Bill Evans, Front – Chairman Joseph Rupnick, Member Shirley Trull, Secretary Camilla Chouteau and Member Raphael Wahwassuck.

Tribal Council Member #2 Shirly Trull and her family, Back – Sara Gartenmeyer, Frank LaClair, Travis Wanna, Paul Trull, Front – Alvina LaClair, Shirley Trull and Arlene Lingo.

Chairman Joseph Rupnick displays a Pendleton blanket gifted to Trull on behalf of the Nation.

Following the ceremony, Trull received well-wishers and words of congratulations from those in attendance, she is joined by PBPN tribal member Laura Abeyta.