January 20, 2025


Tribal Council Run-Off Election Results and Photos

August 25, 2012 –

MAYETTA:  Joyce Kitchkommie Guerrero, Thomas M. Wabnum (Mektewzi or Hoppy) and Carrie Wabuansee  O’Toole won seats on the Tribal Council this morning.  There were 874 votes counted in an open meeting of the tribal membership at the Rock Building.

The vote count was:

Vice Chairperson

Calvin Evans      389 (44.51%)

Joyce Kitchkommie Guerrero   485 (55.49%)
Council Person #2

Tom Wabnum (Mektewzi or Hoppy) 557 (64.17%)

Jancita Warrington    303 (35.83%)


Council Person #3

Anita Pahmahmie Evans   391 (45.31%)

Carrie Wabaunsee O’Toole 472 (54.69%)

PBPN election clerks and judges today included Marty Hamlin, Leslie Marshno, Tara Mitchell, Joanna Mitchell, Linda Yazzie.  Tim Sanchez of Automated Election Services also helped calculate the results and Elections Board members Voncile Mitchell, Arlene Lingo and Sherri Landis also assisted with the election.  Police Officer Matt Johnson was police escort.

The new council members will join Hattie Mitchell who was sworn-in to office as treasurer on Aug. 2  and  Steve Ortiz, chairperson, Jim Potter, secretary, and Junior Wahweotten, council person # 1.

After a three day protest period of the election the swearing-in ceremony will take place at a future date.

Below are some photos:

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Tom Wabnum and Joyce Guerrero after their win.

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Carrie O’Toole was all smiles after her win and was photographed with her mom, Drusa Wabaunsee.

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Approximately 50 people attended the election.

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Clerks counting ballots.

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Election Judge Marty Hamlin with Tim Sanchez of Automated Election Services.

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Crowd anticipating the results.

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Marty Hamlin and Leslie Marshno verify the hand count votes.

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The election took place at the Rock building which has been the seen of many community events through the years.

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Police officer Matt Johnson and Sherri Landis with the Elections Board bringing in the ballots from the Mayetta Post Office.