Three Phase Parking Project at Prairie Band Health Center Starting in August

By: Michelle Simon

The Prairie Band Health Center parking lot will be under construction starting on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. The front center parking lot will not be available for parking during Phase I of the project which will take approximately one month to complete, pending weather conditions.

Parking for patients and visitors is available in the green highlighted areas. Parking for the Tribal Court is available in the blue highlighted area. The red highlighted areas are available for PBPN staff parking.

During Phase I of the construction, the drop-off area in front of the Health Center will be accessible. The east door located at the Social Services department and the west door located by Radiology will also be open to the public for building access with ADA compliant parking spaces available.

The available parking areas and access doors will change as the project progresses into Phase II and Phase III, with each phase expected to last approximately one month, pending weather conditions. Parking signs will be in the lot at all times to help direct traffic to available parking areas.