The Election Race is On!

MAYETTA:  Twenty candidates have filed for four seats in the 2014 Tribal Council/Gaming Commission/Ethics Commission Election that will be held on July 26.  Seven people filed for Tribal Chairperson, five for Tribal Secretary, three for Tribal Council Person #1 and five for Gaming Commissioner # 3.  There were no filings for any of the six seats available on the Ethics Commission.

Those running for Tribal Chairperson are William L. Evans, Adrian “Gubba” Hale, Liana Onnen, Mamie Wahwassuck Rupnicki, Noah Wahquahboshkuk, Arlene Shipshee Wahwasuck and Badger Wahwasuck.

Persons running for Tribal Secretary include  Camilla Wishkeno Chouteau, Joe “Chago” Hale Jr, Anita G. Pahmahmie Evans, James “Wabaunsee” Potter, and Lorrie Wahwassuck-Melchior.

Tribal Council Person #1 candidates are Gilreath (Gil) Aitkens, Warren A.Wahweotten Jr. and Lisa M. Wamego.

Candidates for Gaming Commissioner #3 are Calvin Evans, Becky (Shopteese-Thomas) Harman, Rey Kitchkumme, Aaron D. Mzhickteno and Jancita Warrington.

The candidate filing period began April 16 and ended yesterday at 4 p.m. Candidates came to the Member Services Department where Election board members Sara Gartenmayer (chairperson), Arlene Lingo and Sherri Landis processed candidate applications and filing fees.

Candidates have until May 8 to withdraw their candidacy. After that, photos and profiles of the candidates will be posted online under elections at ( when candidates submit ) and will also be available in the Summer issue of the Potawatomi News that will be mailed to households June 25. Display tables where copies of profiles may also be available will be set up in the lobbies of the Government Center and Health Center.

In order to vote, all voters must be registered.  Those who are18 years and older and have not registered have until May 21 to do so.

Ballots will be mailed to registered voters on June 11 and must be received in the pre-addressed return envelope that came in an election mailing packet that was mailed  to registered voters in March.  Ballots must be returned to the Mayetta Post Office by 9 a.m. on July 26 and will be counted in an open meeting of the tribal membership (only) at the Bingo Hall that day.  The Election Board will issue the unofficial election results immediately following the conclusion of the tabulation that is done electronically and verified by election clerks.  Any protests must be filed within three business days following the election.

If no candidate wins by a majority vote plus one, a run-off election will follow four weeks after the initial election.  The two candidates who receive the highest number of votes in the first election will face each other in a run-off in order to determine a winner.

Below are some photographs taken yesterday during the last day to file:

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Election Board members waiting for candidates to file.  L to R:  Sherri Landis, Sara Gartenmayer and Arlene Lingo.  Gartenmayer was recently selected chairperson of the board.

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Candidates filing for seats in the election. 

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Paul Vega, Member Services Coordinator, stayed busy answering phone calls and keeping up with the paperwork for the election.

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Elizabeth Gaona, an assistant for Member Services,  greeted candidates and answered questions about the election process.

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Cheryl Walker (left) and Leslie Marshno getting the display table ready where candidates can place their information in the Government Center lobby.