September 25, 2024
September 28, 2024


Summer Youth Work Program

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation will seek 40 summer youth workers to participate in a two (2) month summer work program.  Qualified individuals will be hired to participate in the program.  All workers will be hired to participate in one session for a maximum of 8 weeks.

AGE REQUIREMENTS:  All applicants must be between the ages of 14-18 years old.  All applicants must be 14 years of age by June 1st to qualify for the summer youth work program.  The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation exercises Tribal Preference to ensure compliance with Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Employment Code, Chapter 22-2.

Defined Order:

  • PBPN Tribal Member
  • Child of a PBPN Tribal Member
  • Other Indian
  • Descendant of a PBPN Tribal Member

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Any person applying for this job must be presently enrolled in school, a GED program, or be a recent high school graduate (verification required).  Workers must provide their own transportation to and from work.

WORK HOURS:  Each youth will work a maximum of 30 hours per week.  Rate of pay for all workers is $7.25/hour.

CONSENT AND TREATMENT FORM:  All youth and their respective parent/guardian will be required to complete a treatment release form in case of emergencies.  Parents of the youth workers will be required to sign a consent form allowing their son/daughter to participate in the program.

DRUG TESTING:  Mandatory pre drug testing will take place during orientation.  This test will be determined using a Urine Test (UA).

EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS:  All interested persons must complete an application packet for employment before being considered for a job.  Applications must be filled out completely.  Interviews will be conducted for the first 40 eligible PBPN member applications, with all other applications being held on a wait list.  Applications can be picked up starting on the first Monday in April from the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Government Center (lower level) Education Department (16281 Q Road, 785-966-3926).  Completed applications for the program must be received NO LATER than first Friday of May at 4 p.m.  Applications received after this date and time will not be considered for employment.

Please return completed signed (by student) applications, drug consent form, medical consent, and all other required documents to the Education Department at the PBPN Government Center.

Interviews will be conducted the last full week of May at the PBPN Government Center.  Applicants must be available on these days, phone interviews will not be allowed.  There will be a reserved date in the event that applicants from the wait list are contacted.

Mandatory Orientation for all workers will be held on the last Wednesday of May.  Applicants MUST be present at Orientation or you will not be eligible for employment.