Student Spotlight on Abby Boeckman for March

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MAYETTA:  The Education Department has selected Abby Boeckman as the March Student in the Spotlight.

Stephanie Jim, Student Services Coordinator, said, “The Education Department would like to recognize Abby Boeckman for her various accomplishments in academics, athletics, and other organizational achievements.  She was nominated by her mother Tina Wahweotten.  Congratulations, Abby and keep up the hard work.”
Boeckman is in the 6th grade and has excelled academically.  She is also active in sports including softball and basketball and has received 12 MVP recognitions throughout her sports career.  She plays on the Topeka Wave as a catcher and first baseman.
In addition, she has been recognized for her character and good citizenship by the American Legion Post #44 in Holton and was selected as a Student Ambassador by the People to People program and traveled to Europe when she was 10 years of age. She is also involved in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet program (an auxiliary of the Air Force) where she is a Senior Airman.  She recently graduated from the Kansas Wing Basic Encampment and hopes to attend the Air Force Academy in college.