Spring on the Rez

MAYETTA:  Spring began this week and despite most of the week being a rainy one, the sun broke out periodically.  School children were also on spring break and the Boys & Girls Club was busy all week entertaining the kids with various spring break activities.

Below are some photos that were taken by the News in between getting the spring issue of the Potawatomi News mailed out to tribal members.

Govt Ctr 1.jpg

Government Center.

Rock bldg spring 1.jpg

The Rock/Community building.

BGC team 1.jpg

Dodge Ball game at the Boys & Girls Club.

 Dodge Ball 1.jpg

Dodge ball game 1.jpg

D Ball 1.jpg

EMS team 1.jpg

N Hale and BGC 1.jpg

 Nathan Hale directs the Boys & Girls Club.

Elder Center 1.jpg

Fire Keepers Elder Center.