Run Off Election Information

July 25, 2016 – The Prairie Band Potawatomi Election Committee will be mailing out the Run Off Election ballots by the end of the week to all voters who were registered by the May 20, 2016 deadline for the 2016 election.

The PBPN Election Committee strongly encourages everyone to vote early. Ballots may be hand delivered to the Mayetta Post Office or mailed to the Mayetta Post Office by Saturday, August 20th. The ballot counting will be held at 9 am that morning at the Old Bingo Hall. Tribal members age 18 and older are allowed to attend the counting.

When voting you may vote for all of the candidates or you may vote for only one, two or three candidates from the various positions. No matter how many candidates you vote for your vote will be counted. To say it another way, you do not have to vote for every position in order for your ballot to be tabulated.

Here are a listing of the Run Off Election Candidates:

Vice Chair Position

Joyce Kitchkommie Guerrero Zach Pahmahmie

Treasurer Position

Amanda Nioce Barbosa Noah Wahquahboshkuk

Council Person #2

Adrian “Gubba” Hale Thomas M. Wabnum “Hoppy”

Council Person #3

Juanita Jessepe Carrie Wabaunsee O’Toole