Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and Kickapoo Receive Grant Funding for Law Enforcement Efforts

September 16, 2011 –

MAYETTA:  The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) has been awarded  a major  grant recently to help its law enforcement efforts from the U.S. Justice Department.


Last Wednesday, U.S. attorney Barry Grissom announced that the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and Kickapoo Tribe will share  $1.3 million in federal grants.

The PBPN Potawatomi will receive  $557,117 as part of the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation program and the Kickapoo will  receive $810,503.

“Ensuring the safety of Native Americans living on the four reservations in Kansas is a top priority,” Grissom said. “My office is working closely with tribal authorities, as well as state and local law enforcement agencies, to broaden our partnership and coordinate our efforts.”

Efforts funded by the grant will focus on eight areas — public safety, methamphetamine, alcohol and substance abuse, corrections, violence against women, elder abuse, juvenile justice, and tribal youth programs.

Overall, $118.4 million in grants was announced Wednesday for nearly 150 American Indian and Alaskan Native nations across the country. The grants are administered by the Office of Community Oriented Policing, Office of Justice Programs and the Office on Violence Against Women.

The grants are tied to an initiative by the U.S. attorney general’s office to strengthen public safety in Indian country.