Prairie Band Health Center Surpasses 1,000 Vaccinated


The Prairie Band Health Center reports vaccinating over 1,000 individuals with the Covid-19 vaccines as of Friday, February 26, 2021. Of the 1,165 vaccinated individuals, 852 people have received both doses, and 313 people have received their first dose.

The Prairie Band Health Center is still offering both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to eligible individuals. The Health Center is currently in Phase 3 which includes all persons age 16 and over for Pfizer and age 18 and over for Moderna and all unvaccinated persons prioritized in any previous phase.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Persons of Indian descent (formally recognized as a member of a federally recognized tribe, listed on the original ANCSA roll, a lineal descendant of a person listed on the ANCSA roll, or a person holding a Certificate of Indian Blood by BIA or any federally recognized tribe)
  • Non-Indian women pregnant with an eligible Indian’s child (during pregnancy)
  • Non-Indian members of an eligible Indian’s household
  • Children (of those eligible) under 19
  • Non-Indian legal spouse of an eligible Indian
  • Employees, employee legal spouses, and employee legal dependents of PBPN and PBPN enterprises i.e. Prairie Band Casino & Resort, Prairie Band Gaming Commission, & Prairie Band LLC.

To schedule your vaccination or questions on eligibility, call 785-966-8220. Leave a message with your name, date of birth, and best contact number.