Prairie Band Health Center Providing Information About Possible Swine Flu Epidemic

April 29, 2009 –



The Prairie Band Potawatomi Health Center is taking a proactive role in providing information about the swine flu health issue that is occurring throughout the country by providing periodic updates that can be found on this website.  To find the updates click on News & Press at the top of the page and then scroll to the subhead Health Center News.

Jerry Briscoe, administrator for the Health Center, has been issuing memorandums and according to one that was released today, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has a hotline that is: 1-877-427-7317.  You may also find information on their website at or the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website which to learn more about swine flu.

Briscoe also reported that Dr. Harter, the PBP Health Center Medical Director, said that specimen samples can be taken at the clinic if you are experiencing symptoms.  Testing of these samples will be conducted by Kansas Department of Health and Environment and that all health departments are working to stop the possible swine flu epidemic through a coordinated effort.

Regarding the two confirmed Kansas cases it involves two adults from the same household in Dickinson County.  Neither of the patients was hospitalized.

One of the patients had recently traveled to Mexico, flying in and out of Wichita. Both persons work in Saline County and became ill with the same unique (H1N1) strain of swine flu that has been identified elsewhere.


For more information call the Health Center at 785.966.8300.