Prairie Band Gives Large Donation to Topeka’s Let’s Help Group

MAYETTA: The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) presented a check for $20,000 this morning to Let’s Help, an agency from Topeka that provides assistance to low-income families.  The donation will provide rent assistance, holiday food boxes, and scholarships to students enrolled in the Adult Education/GED program.

Members from the PBPN Charitable Contributions Committee and Tribal Council were on hand to deliver the check to Craig Snyder, Executive Director, and Karen Taylor, Development Director, of Let’s Help who came to the PBPN Government Center for a short ceremony.

The Charitable Contributions Committee is comprised of five tribal members, who along with the Tribal Council selected 16 organizations to receive the 3rd quarter distribution that totaled $67,500.  Areas that are focused on when determining the distribution of funds include groups involved in education, health and community services, environmental protection and preservation, and religious organizations that have an impact on the spiritual wellness and quality of life for all.