Potawatomi Health Center Advisory on H1N1 Availability

Prairie Band Potawatomi Health Center Advisory

from Jerry Briscoe, Health Center Administrator

 MAYETTA: We are in communication with the Jackson County Health Department in the distribution of the H1N1 vaccine, and have provided vaccinations for the criteria that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has set.  We have received limited vaccinations, which has been the norm with our neighboring tribal communities.  We have continued to encourage our community and patients that have yet to receive the vaccination to contact the local health department.  As you will note – vaccinations are ONLY being given to those in the targeted population, which is listed below.  There will be a clinic open at the Royal Valley School District today for targeted populations. 

Our medical staff (EMT’s, Health care workers) have been vaccinated, as well as our medical staff who have “direct” contact with patients.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Potawatomi Health Center or Jackson County  Health Department.  We have also targeted our limited vaccinations that we have received for those population with underlying medical conditions.  Please know that our health center continues to be abreast of this situation, and will continue to provide our community with the current status of vaccinations and the latest information that becomes available. 

Where can I receive the H1N1 vaccine?

Kansas has begun receiving very limited quantities of the H1N1 vaccine in counties across the state.

We expect larger quantities to be available in the next few weeks, but at this time the amounts we are receiving are, for the most part, too small to hold public vaccination clinics.  As vaccination clinics are scheduled, the Potawatomi Health Center will post information. .

Local health departments are deciding how the vaccine will be distributed in each county, and right now many local health departments are targeting healthcare workers with the limited vaccine available.

Clinic Details for: Jackson County Health Department

Address Information:

Jackson County Health Department
312 Pennsylvania
Holton, KS 66436


Contact Person: Angie Reith
Phone: 785 364-2670
Fax: 785 364-3001


During the week of November 16-November 20 the Health Department will be open until 6:30 p.m. Please note that the health department closes each day from noon until 1:00 pm for lunch. Please also note that on Wed. November 18th, the walk in clinic for H1N1 will be between the hours of 2pm-6:30 pm only, due to a school based clinic that day. At this time we are asking for Jackson County residents only for the target group of 25-64 years of age with underlying health conditions, due to limited vaccine supply. We hope to open it up to other populations as more vaccine supply arrives.

Monday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Clinic closed – Clinic closed
Sunday: Clinic closed – Clinic closed
  • Infants 6 months – 35 months
  • Children 36 months – 5 years
  • Persons 4 – 24 years
  • Adults 25 – 64 years with underlying medical conditions
  • Persons who live with or provide care for infants less than 6 months
  • Healthcare workers
  • Healthy persons 2 – 24 years
  • No Cost



Press Archives

Potawatomi Health Center Advisory on H1N1 Availability

Prairie Band Potawatomi Health Center Advisory

from Jerry Briscoe, Health Center Administrator

 MAYETTA: We are in communication with the Jackson County Health Department in the distribution of the H1N1 vaccine, and have provided vaccinations for the criteria that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has set.  We have received limited vaccinations, which has been the norm with our neighboring tribal communities.  We have continued to encourage our community and patients that have yet to receive the vaccination to contact the local health department.  As you will note – vaccinations are ONLY being given to those in the targeted population, which is listed below.  There will be a clinic open at the Royal Valley School District today for targeted populations. 

Our medical staff (EMT’s, Health care workers) have been vaccinated, as well as our medical staff who have “direct” contact with patients.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Potawatomi Health Center or Jackson County  Health Department.  We have also targeted our limited vaccinations that we have received for those population with underlying medical conditions.  Please know that our health center continues to be abreast of this situation, and will continue to provide our community with the current status of vaccinations and the latest information that becomes available. 

Where can I receive the H1N1 vaccine?

Kansas has begun receiving very limited quantities of the H1N1 vaccine in counties across the state.

We expect larger quantities to be available in the next few weeks, but at this time the amounts we are receiving are, for the most part, too small to hold public vaccination clinics.  As vaccination clinics are scheduled, the Potawatomi Health Center will post information. .

Local health departments are deciding how the vaccine will be distributed in each county, and right now many local health departments are targeting healthcare workers with the limited vaccine available.

Clinic Details for: Jackson County Health Department

Address Information:

Jackson County Health Department
312 Pennsylvania
Holton, KS 66436


Contact Person: Angie Reith
Phone: 785 364-2670
Fax: 785 364-3001


During the week of November 16-November 20 the Health Department will be open until 6:30 p.m. Please note that the health department closes each day from noon until 1:00 pm for lunch. Please also note that on Wed. November 18th, the walk in clinic for H1N1 will be between the hours of 2pm-6:30 pm only, due to a school based clinic that day. At this time we are asking for Jackson County residents only for the target group of 25-64 years of age with underlying health conditions, due to limited vaccine supply. We hope to open it up to other populations as more vaccine supply arrives.

Monday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Clinic closed – Clinic closed
Sunday: Clinic closed – Clinic closed
  • Infants 6 months – 35 months
  • Children 36 months – 5 years
  • Persons 4 – 24 years
  • Adults 25 – 64 years with underlying medical conditions
  • Persons who live with or provide care for infants less than 6 months
  • Healthcare workers
  • Healthy persons 2 – 24 years
  • No Cost