PBPN Tribal Member Wins “Next Level Chef” on FOX

PBPN tribal member Stephanie “Pyet” DeSpain won the title of “Next Level Chef” on Gordon Ramsay’s cooking reality show on the FOX Network. The grand finale episode in which she won aired on the evening of Wednesday, March 2, 2022.

Chef Pyet battled 14 other contestant chefs for the title of “Next Level Chef” as well as a $250,000 prize and a year of mentorship from the three celebrity chef judges from the show: Gordon Ramsay, Richard Blais and Nyesha Arrington. Ramsey said Pyet brought herself, her history, and her heritage to every dish she prepared as he announced that she was now the First Ever Next Level Chef. Throughout the show, Chef Pyet constantly reinvented herself and her dishes by channeling her Native American heritage into her food. In this way she continually created delicious food the judges had never tasted before.

Pyet visited the PBPN Boys and Girls Club and the Fire Keepers Elder Center in February to give a demonstration and prepare meals. She hopes to return in April to work more with the community.