PBPN Tribal Council Swearing-In Ceremony

8.27.20 – PBPN Tribal Council Chairman Joseph Rupnick officiates as Raphael Wahwassuck, Tony Wahweotten, and Zach Pahmahmie recite the Oath of Office.


The remaining members of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council took the oath of office during a brief swearing-in ceremony held on Thursday, August 27, 2020, at the Old Bingo Hall. PBPN Tribal Council Chairman Joseph Rupnick officiated the event.

The winners of the positions were determined during a run-off election held on Saturday, August 22, 2020. The position of Vice-Chairperson was retained by incumbent Zach Pahmahmie. Tribal Council Member #2 position went to candidate Tony Wahweotten. Incumbent Raphael Wahwassuck also retained his seat as Tribal Council Member #3.

This is Pahmahmie’s second term as Tribal Council Vice-Chairman. He received 483 votes equaling 57.91% of the 834 ballots cast for the position during the run-off election. Pahmahmie previously served as Tribal Council Chairman from 2002 to 2006.

This is the first term of office for Wahweotten who received 427 votes equaling 50.95% of the 838 ballots cast in his race.

This is Wahwassuck’s second consecutive term as Tribal Council Member #3. He garnered 424 votes equaling 50.90% during the run-off which had a total of 833 votes cast for the position. Wahwassuck initially won a 2-year seat during a 2018 special election.

Former Tribal Council Member #2 Shirley Trull was recognized for her service at the ceremony. She was appointed and sworn into the Tribal Council on May 22, 2019, completing the remainder of the term through the 2020 election.

The full body of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council now consists of Chairman Joseph Rupnick, Vice-Chairman Zach Pahmahmie, Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie, Secretary Camilla Chouteau, Tribal Council Member #1 William Evans, Tribal Council Member #2 Tony Wahweotten and Tribal Council Member #3 Raphael Wahwassuck.

Social distancing protocols were in place due to COVID-19, which included wearing masks and limiting attendance to 45 people.

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The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council


A Pendleton blanket is bestowed to Zach Pahmahmie in recognition of his role as Tribal Council Vice-Chairman.


Cheryl Simon and her son Vice-Chairman Zach Pahmahmie.


A Pendleton blanket is bestowed to Tony Wahweotten in recognition of his new role as Tribal Council Member #2.


Members of the Wahweotten Family: Chuck, Ron, Robin Deo, Tony and Laveda Wahweotten.


A Pendleton blanket is bestowed to Raphael Wahwassuck in recognition of his role as Tribal Council Member #3.


Members of the Wahwassuck Family: Brevin Canady, Adele, Chako, Raphael, Panno & Nahcs Wahwassuck.


A Pendleton blanket is bestowed to Shirley Trull as an outgoing member of the Tribal Council.