January 20, 2025


PBPN to Begin Residential Waste Disposal/Curbside Trash Collection

February 18, 2011 –

MAYETTA:  Instead of relying on an outside trash/recycling collection service the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) Division of Planning/EPA will begin providing a collection service on the common land beginning March 3.  Only common land housing clusters and homes listed under the PBPN Housing jurisdiction are included at this time.

Next week, beginning Feb. 21 to Feb. 25, trash bins will be distributed to area homes in the following vicinities: Pheasant Run/Quail Court/Buffalo Drive/Prairie Village (Cluster 5) /K-1 Homes/156th Lane (Cluster 3); scattered rental homes/152nd Lane (Cluster 1)/L-4 Lane (Cluster 2)/N-1 and N-2 Lane (Cluster 4).  Beginning the following week on Thursday, March 3 regular trash should be bagged and ready for pick up on a weekly basis.

Curbside recycling is also scheduled for pick up on a weekly basis but only on staggered days. On Tuesdays collectors will be at Pheasant Run/Quail Court/Buffalo Drive/Prairie Village (Cluster 5) /K-1 Homes/156th Lane (Cluster 3) and on Wednesdays at scattered rental homes/152nd Lane (Cluster 1)/L-4 Lane (Cluster 2)/N-1 and N-2 Lane (Cluster 4).

All residents living in the designated groups listed above will be required to utilize the new service and charged a monthly fee of $15.  The fee will be assessed through rental/lease payment s in the PBPN Housing Department and tribal-owned homes in Clusters 1,2, and 3 will pay fees to the Dept of Planning & EPA.  Exempt from the charges are elders that live in the Prairie Village complex or 156th Lane Senior/Disabled Duplexes or any home with a head of household 62 years and older.

The new disposal service is supported by the Potawatomi Law and Order Code, which requires that all tribal-owned homes and cluster homes utilize the Nation’s service.  The purpose of the law is to eliminate health and safety risks associated with the dumpsters in the neighborhoods, and to encourage environmentally-responsible practices from all that live on the common land.

For policies click here

For rate schedule click here

For calendar click here

For recycle list click here