September 25, 2024
September 28, 2024


PBPN Social Services Announces New Program


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation received one-time funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in order to support tribal members during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

The new General Assistance Program will provide a monthly Welfare Assistance grant payment intended to supplement wages that were lost as a result of COVID-19.

Applicants must submit documented employer COVID-19 related decisions to furlough, terminate, or reduce available hours of employees. Individuals whose job search efforts were hindered by the COVID pandemic are also eligible for assistance.

CARES ACT funding will be utilized by the PBPN Social Services to provide General Assistance to eligible members of any federally recognized Indian tribe living in Jackson County, Kansas. General Assistance services through this grant are funded through May 2021 or until funds are exhausted.

For an application contact 785-966-8331 or download here.

Eligibility for all applicants includes:

  • Reside in Jackson County, KS for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Provide a copy of Tribal Enrollment card with completed application.
  • Applicants must apply for all available financial assistance from other state, tribal, county, local or other federal agency programs for which she/he is eligible while applying for General Assistance.
  • Have a loss of income directly related to COVID-19 (employer-related furlough, reduced hours, loss of employment). The applicant’s monthly household income must be below 125% of the Federal Poverty Guideline for the household size. See chart:

Additionally, this same information can be found on the Social Services webpage: – and select the CARES ACT – General Assistance link.