PBPN Selected for Transportation Enhancement Funding

April 01, 2009 –


MAYETTA:  The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation was selected for one of 14 projects for inclusion as part of aTransportation Enhancement program for Federal Fiscal Years 2009-2010 given by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).


According to Tim Ramirez, Public Works Director, the funds will be used on a Pedestrian/Bicycle trail on the PBPN Common Land that runs from the second cluster to theTribal Court building.


The project, which is being funded for $272,880, is made possible through the economic stimulus funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Total cost for the selected projects was approximately $11.4 million.  KDOT had received 101 applications from local units of government for funding consideration totaling more than $110 million.


“The Transportation Enhancement program provides federal highway funds for projects that strengthen the cultural, aesthetic or environmental value of our transportation system,” said KDOT Secretary of Transportation Deb Miller.  “This program has been very popular in the state and these improvements couldn’t have happened without local partners and KDOT working together.”


Transportation Enhancement projects under this federal program fall into three major program categories.  They include Historic, Pedestrian/Bicycle and Scenic/Environmental projects.