September 25, 2024
September 28, 2024


PBPN Reports First Confirmed Case of COVID-19


MAYETTA, KS – The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation is reporting one individual has tested positive for COVID-19. Testing occurred at the Prairie Band Health Center. This is the first confirmed case on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Common Land.

To protect the privacy of the individual, no demographic information of the individual shall be released. The Prairie Band Health Center is working in partnership with the Jackson County Health Department to identify any potential contacts who may have been exposed.

“We knew it was only a matter of time, and I’m thankful our common land has gone without incident until now. I am asking everyone, please protect yourself and others by continuing to practice social distancing and wear your mask,” said Joseph Rupnick, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Chairman.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as a cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. The Nation strongly encourages everyone to follow the recommendations of the KDHE and CDC.

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation government is in the third phase of re-opening, with all PBPN government employees reporting to work and most buildings opening to the public effective June 1, 2020.  All employees, vendors, and guests are required to have their temperature taken prior to entering a building and are expected to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.