PBPN Honored for Donation to St. Francis Community Services

December 04, 2008 –

PBPN Honored for Donation to St. Francis Community Services

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Father Edward W. Fellhauer, President and CEO of Saint Francis Community Services, with Steve Ortiz, PBPN Tribal Chairman.

December 04, 2008 –

MAYETTA:  Steve Ortiz, Tribal Chairman, was the guest of honor Tuesday, December 2 at a luncheon held in Atchison, Kan. hosted by leaders of the St. Francis Community Services who are headquartered in Salina, Kan.


The purpose of the luncheon was to thank the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) for a 2005 Charitable Contribution donation that is now being used to construct a Challenge Course on the grounds of the Lodge, one of St. Francis’ facilities located in Atchison.


Before the luncheon, Fr. Edward W. Fellhauer, President, CEO and Dean of Saint Francis, presented a plaque to Chairman Ortiz that read, “In recognition of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation for your dedication to children, education and nature.” Following the presentation, Chairman Ortiz was taken on a tour of the facility.


The Lodge sits on 188 acres south of the city of Atchison and is a place where community groups can gather to participate in adventure-based activities like hiking and fishing.  It is also a place where meetings or retreats are held and is often used by St. Francis as a space for their outreach programs which are geared to at-risk adolescents and their families.


St. Francis Community Services is a donor-supported child welfare ministry.  It has been in operation since 1945 and administers foster care programs, alcohol and drug treatments for adolescents and other social service-based programs concerning at-risk youth.