Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation General Manager, Kristen Wamego, discusses her plans with leadership team members.
The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation government operates 22 departments providing a wide array of services to the general membership.
While Tribal Council establishes the overarching goals of the Nation, it is the responsibility of the Administration department to oversee all departments and ensure they are following that direction.
Headed up by General Manager Kristen Wamego, the administration team also consists of two assistant general managers, the administrative assistants for tribal council and the lawyer, along with the front desk, mail and travel staff.
Along with handling the day-to-day operations of the Nation and managing the operating budget, Administration leadership work very hard to ensure all programs are complying with department policies and procedures as well as adhering to all federal guidelines and regulations.
They often serve as liaisons for boards and committees, such as on the Early Childhood Education Center Policy Council and the Social Services Advisory Board assisting as needed.
Additionally, Administrative leadership reviews community needs and if there are any gaps in services, they look for ways to fill them. One way Administration does this is by helping departments look for grant funding and serving as grant managers when needed. They also provide research and prepare materials to assist Tribal Council when expanded or new services are needed.
The Administration leadership also monitor the infrastructure of the Nation and serve as project managers on construction projects. Many of the Nation’s facilities were built about 20 years ago and now the buildings and major equipment components like heating and air systems are on plans to extend their use or upgrade as needed.
In 2018, three major construction projects were completed which include the Language and Culture Center, the Behavioral Health Facility and the Southwood Estates housing subdivision. Administration also helped oversee the Fire Keeper Elder Center Refresh.
In 2019, Administration leadership plan to submit an application to fund a rehabilitation project for the Elder Duplexes located on K Road and they will finalize the conveyance process in order to begin conveying the homes on N1 Lane. The houses on N1 Lane were the first Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) housing available on the common land.
Administration offices are located at the Government Center, Upper Level and staff can be reached at 785-966-4000.