Notice of Gaming Commissioner Vacancy

MAYETTA:  Tribal Council is seeking applicants for Tribal Gaming Commissioner #1 that has become vacant due to the death of a Commissioner.
The term of the Commissioner shall be until a successor is elected and installed in the July 2017 General Election.
In order to qualify the person must be an enrolled  Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation tribal member who is 25 years and older and will be subject to background and other screening investigations as outlined in the PBPN Law & Order Codes located on the tribal website (third from top on left navigation panel).
Interested applicants should submit the following to the Office of the Tribal Secretary, in person by 4:00 pm or postmarked no later than March 11, 2015:
1. Letter of Interest
2. Resume describing in detail any gaming industry experience
3. One page essay describing reasons for seeking the Tribal Gaming Commission seat.
Office of the Tribal Secretary
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
16281 Q Road
Mayetta, KS
A full notice of the Gaming Commissioner #1 vacancy can be found in the tribal member login section of the tribal website listed at the bottom of the left navigation panel.
For more information call the Tribal Secretary’s office at 785.966.3922.