News from PBPN Native Vote


In light of COVID-19 disrupting many of the norms of modern life, you may be wondering how it will impact voting in the 2020 election year.

In regard to the PBPN Election, there are no changes to the process. Ballots will be mailed to registered voters on Friday, June 5, 2020. Ballots must be received at the Mayetta Post Office by 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 25, 2020. The ballots will be collected promptly at 9 a.m. and securely delivered to the Old Bingo Hall to begin the tabulation process.

Kansas currently has no plans to delay or substantially change the process for the Tuesday, August 4, primary election. Conducting the 2020 elections entirely by mail is prohibited by Kansas law in elections where a candidate appears on the ballot (K.S.A. 25-432 (d)).

Kansas voters have multiple options in how they can cast their ballot in 2020:

    • Advance mail ballots
    • Advance in-person voting
    • In-person voting on election day

Since 1996, Kansas has allowed all voters to request an advance mail ballot without needing an excuse (K.S.A. 25-1120). Voters with permanent illness or disability may apply for a ballot to be permanently mailed to them prior to every election (K.S.A. 25-1122(h)). Kansas voters with underlying health conditions or concerns about the prolonged impact of COVID-19 are encouraged to request advance mail ballot applications for the 2020 election.

Any date changes to the November 3, general election will be made by the United States Congress.

Kansas Timeline
Kansas Resources

Voters can request paper voter registration forms or an advance mail ballot be mailed to them by contacting their local election office:

  • Jackson County, Kansas Election Officer Information
    Name: Kathy Mick,
    Phone: 785-964-5200
    Address: 400 New York, Room 201, Holton, KS 66436
  • Shawnee County, Kansas Election Officer Information
    Name: Andrew Howell
    Phone: 785-251-5900
    Address: 3420 SW Van Buren Street, Topeka, KS 66611
  • Pottawatomie County, Kansas Election Officer Information –
    Name: Nancy McCarter
    Phone: 785-457-3314
    Address: 207 N 1st, Westmoreland, KS 66549

Out-of-State Resources