Native American Benefit Enrollment Fair

September 05, 2013 –

MAYETTA:  The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) and We-Ta-Se American Legion Post 410 hosted a Native American Veteran Benefit Enrollment Fair for veterans at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort today.


Grand Entry began at 9 a.m. and information booths were available to assist veterans with housing, education, jobs, legal and health services and community agencies.


Tribal Council member Tom Wabnum was emcee and other speakers included A. Rudy Klopfer, Director VA Eastern Kansas; Allen Parker, Veterans Service Center, Regional Office; Jon Boursaw, Citizen Potawatomi Nation; and, Ron Graham, FTO Horton Agency Office of Special Trustee.


Fair sponsors included the Kansas Veterans Affairs, Southern Plains Southeast Region Veterans Affairs, Citizen Potawatomi and Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

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 We-Ta-Se veterans posted colors at the enrollment fair.

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Thomas Wabnum, PBPN Tribal Council member, was the emcee for today’s opening ceremonies.


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On the front row, left to right, is Rudy Klopfer, director of the VA Eastern Kansas organization, and Will McClammy, tribal outreach coordinator for VA Eastern Kansas. 

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Veterans registering for the fair today.  The PBPN departments and programs were well represented with informational tables on Education, Housing, Human Resources, and Social Services.