Wildlife Conservation

Officer Talon Shipshee coordinates all conservation efforts.

Hunting licenses are valid within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation. Carcass tags are valid only for game harvested on the Reservation.

Licenses are available to enrolled tribal members, their spouses, or parents. Tribal members may also sponsor non-members. Sponsored individuals may not hunt/fish without their sponsor present.

Hunter Safety Education certification is required for individuals born on or after July 1, 1977, to obtain a Tribal Hunting license. Hunting & Fishing licenses are required for those persons 12 years and older.

Hunting & Fishing licenses and carcass tags are available at no cost at the Tribal Police Department. Those wishing to obtain a license/carcass tag should first call the Police Department at (785) 966-3024 or toll-free at (877) 727-6743 to ensure Officer Burns or another staff member is available to issue the license/carcass tag.

Specific information can be found in the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Law & Order Code Title 18 – Conservation Code.

American Indian Hunting License

Kansas Laws (K.S.A. 32-929) provides that the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, upon submission of satisfactory proof thereof, shall issue free licenses to hunt, fish and trap to any person residing in the state who is at least one-sixteenth (1/16) Indian by blood and who is enrolled as an American Indian on a tribal membership roll which is federally recognized by the United States Dept. of Interior.

Any person hunting, fishing or trapping under the authority of this act shall be subject to the provisions of all rules and regulations relating to hunting, fishing or trapping and shall carry this Kansas Indian License upon his or her person and exhibit it upon demand of any Conservation Officer or other law enforcement officer.

To qualify and be issued a Kansas Indian License, a person must be 1) residing in the State of Kansas; 2) at least one-sixteenth (1/16) Indian by blood and enrolled as an American Indian on a tribal membership roll which is federally recognized by the United State Dept. of Interior; and 3) provide the Commission with acceptable proof of degree of Indian blood in the form of a legal document issued by the tribal office certifying the named person’s degree of Indian blood.

If your birthday falls within the statutes for required hunter education and fur harvesting education you must have proof of education before being accepted.

A person qualifying under this Act and desiring to obtain a Kansas Indian License should contact Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks office and fill out an application form.