Land Buy-Back Program Outreach Meeting Held

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Tribal Council member Tom Wabnum discussed the Land Buy-Back program on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation today at the casino.  A similar meeting will be held in Milwaukee, Wis. on Feb. 28 at the Potawatomi Casino.


MAYETTA:  Approximately 75 people attended an informational meeting today about the Land Buy-Back program that is part of the Cobell Settlement.  The purpose of the progam is to purchase highly fractionated tracts of Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation tribal trust land, consolidating the ownership, and transferring it to the PBPN in trust.

Tribal landowners who have interests in trust land were invited to come learn about the program that was created by the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 which was part of the Cobell Settlement.  The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) was selected last year as one of the first set of tribal nations to implement the Land Buy-Back program that is scheduled to begin this spring.

Representatives from the Department of Interior Land Buy-Back Program and Office of Special Trustee gave presentations about the PBPN’s status in the program and Tribal Council member Tom Wabnum presented information about the Nation’s land base at the local level.  Representatives from the Horton BIA, PBPN Tribal Land Office and Attorney’s Office were also on hand to answer questions following the presentations.

For more information about the PBPN Land Buy Back program go to Facebook and search for Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Land Buy-Back Program or call Marzha Fritzler, PBPN program coordinator at 785.966.4030.