Jim Potter Regains Tribal Council Secretary Seat in Run-off Election Today

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The elections team going over the results following the vote count. 

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Left to right:  Patty Potter, Jim Potter, and Marilyn Revelle, Patty’s sister, shortly after the votes were counted and Jim was declared the winner.

MAYETTA:  Jim “Wabaunsee” Potter regained his seat as secretary of the Tribal Council today in a run-off election held at the Bingo Hall.

A total of 768 votes were counted with Potter receiving 438 votes (57.03%) to LeClere’s 330 (42.97%) in the vote count.  The vote tallies are considered unofficial until they are certified by the Elections Board.

Potter and LeClere received the highest number of votes for the secretary position in the Tribal Council/Gaming Commission held July 24 but neither one received 50% plus one of all the votes needed in order to win which resulted in the run-off election.  Other candidates that ran  for secretary were Paul Vega and Noah Wahquahboshkuk.

Both run-off candidates were in attendance along with approximately 25 others. Those who assisted with the election were Tim Sanchez of Automated Election Service (AES), Albuquerque, Voncile Mitchell, Arlene Lingo, June Barber, Marty Hamlin, Frank Shopteese, Leslie Marshno, and Martie Mitchell.  Steve Cook, tribal police officer, was the official observer for the election.

Other Tribal Council members are Steve Ortiz, chair, Joyce Guerrero, vice chair, Ryan Dyer, treasurer, Junior Wahweotten, member, Chago Hale, member, and Carrie O’Toole, member.