Honoring a Hero: Jim Potts Retires as We-Ta-Se Post 410 Commander

12.2.20 – Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Veteran Myron “Jim” Potts is recognized for his service to the American Legion We-Ta-Se Post 410 at a retirement celebration.


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation recognized the service and dedicated leadership of Myron “Jim” Potts at a retirement luncheon held on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

Potts retired as the American Legion We-Ta-Se Post 410 Commander and from employment with the Nation on October 30, 2020.  Jim served as the We-Ta-Se Post 410 Commander for 20 years and worked as the American Legion Senior Liaison since 2018. Potts has been a member of the American Legion for 30 years, 28 of which were with Post 410.

PBP Nation Chairman Joseph Rupnick, a fellow member of We-Ta-Se Post 410, presented Potts with a United States flag. The flag had previously flown over the United States Capitol, and included a certificate. Jim was also presented with a Pendleton blanket.

12.2.20 – Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Chairman Joseph Rupnick acknowledges Jim Potts contribution to the Nation through his years of service.

Jim entered military service at the age of 20, serving 8 years in the Navy and 10 years in the Army Reserves. He also served two tours during the Vietnam War.

During the ceremony, Jim recalled that the We-Ta-Se Post 410 which was formed in 1989, was the only Color Guard for Native American people in the area for about 10 years. Jim said the group started with about 10 veterans and now has about 110 members. He noted that Post 410 served as the Color Guard for the first five Annual Potawatomi Gathering celebrations and reminisced on the other tribes in Kansas and the other Potawatomi bands establishing their Honor Guards and Ladies Auxiliary units. He ended by stating, “I am proud to be Prairie Band Potawatomi.”

12.2.20 – Members of American Legion We-Ta-Se Post 410 stand with honored guest, retired Commander Jim Potts (center). From left, Lorrie Melchior, Chuck Jacobson, Mark Adame, Chuck Wahweotten, Bob Hubbard and Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick.

Local veteran and We-Ta-Se post 410 member Robert “Bob” Hubbard will serve as the Legion’s Commander through the end of the current term.

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12.2.20 – Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Chairman Joseph Rupnick bestows retired American Legion Commander Jim Potts with the United States flag.

12.2.20 – PBPN Chairman Joseph Rupnick places a Pendleton blanket on Jim Potts shoulder during the retirement ceremony.

12.2.20 – Members of the Ladies Auxiliary join Jim Potts, from left, Stephanie Cook, Lisa Wamego, Rose Potts and Alice Potts.