Haskell Commencement Held

MAYETTA:  Several members of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation participated in commencement ceremonies on May 8 at Haskell Indian Nations University’s (HINU) Coffin Sports Complex in Lawrence, Kansas.  Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Department of Interior, gave the keynote address and Dr. Venida Chenault, President of HINU and a PBPN member, presented diplomas to over 200 graduates.  In addition, PBPN’s Arlene Wahwasuck was also honored as Outstanding Alumni of the Year.

Below are some other photographs taken by the News:

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The gymnasium was full of family and friends of the graduates.

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President Chenault with Secretary of the DOI Sally Jewell.

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Left to right:  PBPN Chairperson Liana Onnen, Jerry Tuckwin, President of the Haskell Foundation and a PBPN, and Rusell Bradley (Kickapoo), Haskell Board of Regents President.

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Left to right:  Ernie Stevens Jr., Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association, A.C. Green “Iron Man”, retired professional basketball player with the L.A. Lakers, Carrie O’Toole, PBPN Tribal Council member and Haskell Board of Regents member, and Mark Dodd, Tribal Liaison for the State of Kansas.

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At the podium is Arlene Wahwasuck who was named Outstanding Alumni of the Year.  She is also a PBPN and graduated from Haskell in 1951.  At left is Russell Bradley.

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Charles H. Perry (left) received his Liberal Arts degree and is with his mother Jeanie Howley.  Perry plans to further his education at the University of Kansas and pursue a career in mass communication.  Jeanie works for the Road & Bridge Department.


Tribal Council members Camilla Chouteau and Tom Wabnum attended the event and were later joined by other council members Joyce Guerrero and Hattie Mitchell.

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A media conference followed the ceremony with Sec. Jewell that was organized by Josh Arce (PBPN) who is the Chief Information Officer at Haskell.

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Secretary Jewell being interviewed.