Go Orange for Road & Bridge Dept Next Tuesday




MAYETTA:  Beginning April 15-19 is National Work Zone Awareness Week and members of the Road & Bridge Department are urging everyone to wear orange to show support for the crews on Tuesday, April 16.

Brenda Pahmahmie, Road & Bridge Specialist, wrote in an email message to the PBPN community that workers do work at great personal risk.  “I can tell you that we have had several close calls this year.  In several instances workers have almost been run over with driver’s being inattentive or driving an unsafe speeds.”

Further, some workers may not be able to hear approaching vehicles particularly when Road & Bridge machinery or trucks are operating and Pahmahmie also urged motorists to plese slow down when approaching roadside workers, with or without equipment.

Along that note, next Friday volunteers will also be picking up roadside trash along common land roads so driver’s should also slow down during that time.  Volunteers will wear orange vests so please be on the look out for them.

A National 2013 theme is “Work Zone Safety: We’re All in This Together” so please be on the look out for the people who are keeping the common land roads smooth and safe and clean from litter and debris.

Karen Kats-Mary Sands Jeanie Combs 7-29-09.JPG

Roadside clean up workers picking up trash along 158  Road a couple of years ago.