Gathering Comes to a Close

MAYETTA: It was sunny and hot on the last day of the Gathering but that didn’t stop Potawatomi from the nine bands across the nation from gathering as a group for the final time this year.

A traditional meal was served for supper that was followed by a pow-wow and a give-a-way. In addition, Elaine Frank, Forest County Potawatomi, was crowned the 2010 Potawatomi princess and each of the nine Band’s tribal leaders and their veterans were recognized by Steve Ortiz, PBPN Tribal Council Chairperson, throughout the evening. Competitive dancing and drumming also rounded out the activities.

Approximately 3,300 people registered for the Gathering that began August 5 and included cultural, elder, and youth activities that took place throughout the four days. Most of the events took place at Prairie Peoples Park and the Prairie Band Casino & Resort.

Next year’s Gathering will be hosted by the Citizen Potawatomi Nation that is located in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Due to technical difficulties no photos are available but they should be posted soon.