Gardening Workshop

Eddie Joe in garden at health center 1.jpg

Eddie Joe Mitchell will give tips on growing cucumbers and corn at a gardening workshop tonight.  Other presenters will be Charlie Barden (K-State), Bill Welton (Haskell), and David Hallauer (Meadowlark District-KSRE). 

MAYETTA:  A gardening workshop is scheduled at the Rock Building (Stone house) from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. that is being sponsored in collaboration with the Diabetes Prevention Program, Division of Planning and Environmental Protection, Haskell Indian Nations University and K-State Research & Extension.

Topics will include how to control weeds, improving soil with compost, insect control and tips for growing a variety of vegetables.

Participants who sign up will each receive a transplant 6 pack of new varieties of tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and a protection cover for growing tender plants.

For more information contact Melinda Williamson, Diabetes Prevention Program Manager, 785.966.8271.