Martin “Mnee-kaw” Knoxsah Obituary

May 17, 2023 –

Martin “Mnee-kaw” Knoxsah
January 9, 1958 – December 23, 2022

Martin “Mnee-kaw” Knoxsah, 64, of Topeka, KS, passed away December 23, 2022. He was born January 9, 1958 in Holton, KS, the son of Henry and Leona (Mzhickteno) Knoxsah.
Martin was a member of Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

Survivors include 2 sons, Leonard A. Knoxsah of AZ and David Knoxsah of NY; 3 daughters, Leona Knoxsah of TX, Alexa Knoxsah of NY and Lisa Knoxsah of NY; sisters, Deena Desjarlait of Mayetta, KS and Marty Serl of Topeka, KS; 2 brothers, Clifford Knoxsah and Henry Knoxsah both of Topeka, KS and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Henry and Leona Knoxsah; daughter, Larosa Knoxsah; infant son, David Knoxsah; 2 sisters, Aurora Knoxsah and Vernona “Vernie” Lewis and 3 brothers, James, David and Virgil Knoxsah.

Wake was held Friday evening, May 19, 2023 with supper being served at sundown at the Community Building on the Kickapoo Reservation. Burial was held Saturday morning, May 20, 2023 at Kennekuk Cemetery on the Kickapoo Reservation. To leave a special message for the family, please visit

(Courtesy of Mercer Funeral Homes)
