Frank Dahlsten Obituary

Sioux City, IA – Frank Wishteyah Dahlsten, 54, of Sioux City, Iowa passed on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Frank was born on October 14, 1965, in Topeka, Kan. to Barbara and Steve Wishteyah. Frank was adopted with brother Steve in 1969, by Paul and Norma Dahlsten and siblings Beverly and Judy Dahlsten of rural Lindsborg, Kan.

Frank was a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. A member of the All Nations of Sioux City, Iowa. Frank enjoyed worship and liked to help people whenever he could. He was a hard worker and jokester! He loved Larry, his dog.

Frank is survived by his son Zachary and daughters Lindsey and Megan. he has three grandsons and two granddaughters. He is also survived by brothers Roger Eteeyan and Steve Wishteyah, and sisters Christine Wishteyah, Hildreth Green, and Nicole Parker, along with numerous nieces and nephews and extended family.

He was preceded in death by his biological parents and his adoptive parents and his wife Kim.

A graveside service was held March 10, 2020, at Prairie Peoples Cemetery, Mayetta, Kan. Arrangements were held by Munderloh-Smith Funeral Home.

  • Courtesy of the family