Aaron Edward Streitberger Obituary

May 31, 2011 –

Aaron Edward Streitberger
November 19, 1970-May 21, 2011

Aaron Edward Streitberger, born 19 November 1970, beloved son of William Streitberger, Seattle, WA, and Elaine Mzhickteno, Mayetta Kansas, brother of Ona Fralinger, Gallup MN, father of Hayden Streitberger, Mill Creek WA, and Marissa Naslund, North Bend WA, died suddenly and unexpectedly on 21 May 2011 in his apartment in Bellingham. Aaron was a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, a veteran of the US Army Corps of Engineers and an Olier with the Washington State Ferries. Most recently he was attending Northwest Indian College, Bellingham, WA. He was accepted as a transfer student to Western Washington University for fall quarter 2011 where he planned to major in sociology. His family and friends will miss him.

(Courtesy of Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home-Seattle, Wash.)
