Firekeepers Elder Center Thanksgiving Snaps

MAYETTA:  The community Thanksgiving dinner was held yesterday at the Firekeeper Elders Center which drew a big crowd.  Servers for the luncheon were from the Prairie Band Casino & Resort and the Potawatomi Fire Department.

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Tribal members and PBPN employees enjoying soups, turkey, dressing, potatoes and several other items and desserts that community members brought.

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Casino employees dishing up the food in the kitchen.

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John Tuckwin, who works for the casino (in the white shirt), waiting on a guest at the dinner.

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Tom Everett, left, and Randy Towner, right, were photographed with Nona Wahweotten, director of the Elder Center.  Everett and Towner are with Landscapes Unlimited, Inc. Towner is the new golf pro/general manager of Firekeeper Golf Course and Everett is also a manager.

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The casino provided door prizes for the event.  In the photo, are Steve Ortiz, Jr., Sheryl Blue and LaVerne Hale (with microphone).  Ortiz and Blue are in the marketing department at the casino and Hale is activities director for the Firekeepers Elder Center.

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Members of the Fire Department that assisted with the dinner are, left to right, Tim Morse, Steve Duryea, and Paul Juedes. 

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A group photograph of most of the casino employees who helped serve the meal.