Ethics Commission Election Notices in the Mail on April 8

MAYETTA:  The Tribal Ethcis Commission Election is coming up in July and mailing of the election noice will be sent by mail to tribal members on April 8.

The Member Services Department has announced that all six positions are available including Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Commssion #1, #2 and #3.

Candidates have between April 16-30 to file in Member Services that is located on the lower level of the Government Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The filing fee is $50 and candidates will have until May 8 to withdraw, if necessary.

The election is by mail-in ballot only and tribal members 18 years and older must be registered by May 20.  Directions for registering will be included in the Mailing of Election Notice packet  that will be sent next week.

Ballots will be mailed to registered voters on June 10 and the election is scheduled for July 25 where the ballots will be counted in an opening meeting of the tribal membership at a place not yet announced.  If a run-off election is needed for any position not winning by majority plus one vote, it will occur on Aug. 22.

The Potawatomi Ethics Commission was formed in 2007 to create a Code of Ethics and to investigate and hear complaints against Nation officials which arise under the code of ethics provisions.  For details go to

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