Estate Planning & Will Workshop For Elders Being Held

February 14, 2014 –

Hattie Mitchell (standing) addresses the crowd at the Elder Center yesterday in the introductory session of the Estate Planning & Will Workshop. 

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At left, is Antoinette Houle, Superintendant of the Bureau of Indian Affairs-Horton Agency, helping a tribal elder fill out documentation that will be needed to complete her will or other estate plan wishes.

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MAYETTA: An Estate Planning and Will Workshop was kicked off yesterday at the Firekeepers Elder Center that is designed to help tribal elders get their affairs in order when leaving their property and assets to heirs or others they designate.

This is the second time the estate workshop has been held that is being coordinated through Tribal Council Treasurer Hattie Mitchell’s office. The three-part workshop revolves around information on how-to complete a will and draft advanced directive health care documents with assistance from Kansas Legal Services attorneys and representatives from the Bureau of Indian Affairs office in Horton, Kan.

There were 21 elders who attended yesterday’s meeting and elders can still participate in the next workshop that will be held Feb. 27 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Elder Center. There are questionnaires that need to be filled out prior to the final workshop on March 20 and will be available at the Feb. 27 meeting or can be mailed through the Treasurer’s office.

In addition, Tom Wabnum, Tribal Council member, is also assisting in the workshop by offering information on how to attain land records that pertain to the Prairie Band Common Land with the BIA.

For more information call Hattie Mitchell at 785.966.4004 or Josette Berryhill at 785.966.4005.