Education Department Sponsors College & Career Fair

MAYETTA:  A College and Career Fair was held today at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort where recruiters from educational institutions and businesses had exhibits and display tables on hand for attendees.

The event was sponsored by the Prairie Band Department of Education and also included workshops related to getting a job given by Bryan Coomer, Career Services Manager for Bryan University in Springfield, Missouri.

Some of the businesses and organizations that were at the fair included the Prairie Band Casino & Resort, Sac and Fox Casino, Goodyear, Topeka Police Department, Alorica, and the PBPN Human Resources and Tribal Youth Outreach Program.  Some educational organizations that were there were the American Indian Health Research & Education Alliance, Haskell Indian Nations University, Kickapoo Nations School, Rasmussen College, University of Phoenix, Baker University, Friends Uniiversity, Fresh Start Learning, Highland University, WTI and Bryan University.

The PBPN Department of Education is staffed by three employees and is housed in the lower level of the Government Center.  To learn more about the department and what they offer go to

Below are some photos taken at the event:

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Department of Education staff member Kristina Matsapto gave welcoming remarks.

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Students from Kickapoo Nations School attended the fair.

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Bryan Coomer giving one of the workshops.

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Jason Hale from the American Indian Health Research & Education Alliance visiting with students.

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Kristin Aitkens and Stephanie Jim from the Department of Education organized the fair, along with Matsapto, and greeted participants as they entered.

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Robert Jackson, PBPN Human Resources, talking with an attendee.