January 20, 2025


Current Addresses are Important for Members


All address need to be accurate and up to date for you to receive Notices, Tax or Financial documents, Election information including ballots. Most information sent to you directly will be time sensitive for an event or program eligibility.

Benefits are an important part of your privileges as a tribal member if you do not have an updated address this can limit or extend the time it takes to help you receive benefits. Our internal departments here at the Nation must verify your membership and address with Member Services. When we do not have accurate information, it slows down or limits the process.

Outside funding from different federal or state programs can be affected. We have different Grants and Financial programs that need accurate address information. This helps the Nation meet the current reporting standards or request additional funding. Grant programs are a big part of funding across departments and having accurate information is crucial to serve and help our tribal members.

We do have members who are in harsh living conditions at this time and may not have an address to submit or update. In these instances, if we can have communication, we can make note in the members files to document.

The Member Services department requests all listed tribal members to update their address immediately. The Official Change of Address form is available online at

Tribal members can contact Member Services toll-free at 866-277-3722 to request a form, however *No address changes will be accepted by phone* or you can stop by the Government Center to pick up the form.

Please follow THIS LINK to see if you, or someone you know should update their address.