Congratulations Graduates: Here’s Some Education Department Information

May 18, 2010 –


MAYETTA:  It is graduation time and several Prairie Band students and their parents are celebrating a major milestone in their lives.  As a way of recognizing graduating students who are tribal members, the Potawatomi News plans to run a graduation page in its summer edition that will be published June 23. High school seniors and other graduates can be included if they submit a picture of themselves (individual shots please) with their name, the school where they graduated and their parents’ names and how you would like them listed. Photos will be returned by including a self-addressed-stamped envelope sent to PO Box 116, Mayetta, KS 66509 or information can be sent via electronic form to The deadline is June 1.


Along that line, the Student Services program in the Education Department has notified students, whom they have a list of, that have reached the age of 18 and  are scheduled to graduate this spring, about their eligibility for the distributions of minors trusts account.  For more information about that program contact the Education Department at 877-715-6789 #3926 or locally at 966-3926.


In addition, for graduates interested in pursuing higher education or vo-tech opportunities, there is a list of scholarships available on the education link on


The PBP Education Department will also be accepting undergraduate applications for 2010/2011 school year that can be downloaded  First time students will need to download the New Undergraduate application packet, while returning students will want the Renewal Undergraduate application packet.


Below are some guidelines provided by the Education Department to help students with the application.


Please, READ MATERIAL CAREFULLY!! It is imperative that applications are read thoroughly and completely.  All applications have a cover sheet that provides specific instructions for completion.  Failure to review instructions can cause an application to be incomplete and late. This can be the difference between an application being approved or denied.


DON”T WAIT TOO LATE!! Completing an application for PBPN funding can be time consuming. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure their application packet is received and complete. It is recommended that students’ stay in touch with the department and with the college they plan to attend.  It only takes one missing item or one day to be considered incomplete and late.  The education department staff is available to assist in the application process.  For more information please call toll free at 877-715-6789.