Community Celebrates Easter with Egg Hunts and Prizes


04.05.23 — Kids collect Easter eggs in the 7-10 age group egg hunt at the Community Easter event in Prairie Peoples Park.

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation hosted a Community Easter Egg Hunt event on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at the Prairie Peoples Park campgrounds. The event was organized by the PBPN Community Events planning group, which is led by Boys and Girls Club staff and is made up of representatives from the Nation’s various departments. Egg hunts for six age categories, ranging from infants to elders, included regular candy-filled plastic eggs along with special gold, foil, or numbered eggs that earned the finder an additional prize. The event also included raffle drawings for Easter basket prizes provided by sponsoring departments and hotdogs, chips, and drinks available for free will donations.

04.05.23 — Participants in the 16-18 and 19-49 age groups sprint to the nearest eggs at the beginning of their egg hunt.

The Easter event drew a large crowd, creating friendly competition for the egg hunts, which started with a race to the nearest eggs. The eggs were all hidden before the event began, and each age group’s egg hunt was staged in a different section of the campgrounds. Most of the egg hunts were completed in under ten minutes due to the energy and number of participants. By the time the last egg hunt was finished, all of the hotdogs were sold out as well.

04.05.23 — Parents assist their children in the 0-3 age group egg hunt.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of community events were regularly organized throughout the year. Since suspending most in-person activities beginning in 2020, this year’s Easter event was one of the first large-scale community events successfully planned through interdepartmental collaboration and hosted on the Reservation. Following the success and popularity of the egg hunts, the Community Events planning group looks forward to returning to the regular organizing of public activities for the community.

View all photos from the Community Easter Egg Hunt event by clicking on the image below:

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