Charitable Contributions Ceremony Held

MAYETTA:  The 2nd quarter charitable contributions award ceremony was held today where $91,000 was distributed to 25 organizations at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort.  PBPN Chairman Steve Ortiz was emcee for the event that was hosted by the Charitable Contributions Committee.

Below are some photographs from today’s ceremony.

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Artist Dennis Schiel who is with the Hays Arts Council points to the mural he created that has over 300 historical subjects covering people, animals, landscape, trails, railroads, and historical sites in Kansas.  The mural consists of 10 3’x4′ panels and the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation are distinctly represented in the far right top panel.  Schiel brought the mural to show at the charitable contributions ceremony today where he was given a $10,000 award.  In addition, Chairman Steve Ortiz also announced at the ceremony that the PBPN Tribal Council was going to match that award with another $10,000 contribution.  Plans are for the mural to hang at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort and possibly at the State Capitol in Topeka.  Schiel told the News that the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation gave the highest donation to the fund raising effort by the Hays Arts Council.

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Left to right:  Frank Tecumseh, Betty Rice, John Tuckwin, Wanda Treinen, Schiel, and Chairman Ortiz.  Tecumseh, Rice, Tuckwin and Treinen are on the Charitable Contributions Committee along with Lavera Bell and Mary Carr who were not at today’s ceremony.

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Rey Kitchkumme was on hand to accept a $10,000 donation to Our Lady of the Snows Church in Mayetta, Kan. who are holding a special Mass/event in October to celebrate the first Native American saint.

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Left to right is Chairman Ortiz with Arlene Lingo and Merlin Nelson who also represented Our Lady of the Snows at today’s ceremony.

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Shaking hands with Steve Ortiz is Roxanne Ortiz and Margaret Martinez who received a donation of $5,000 for Fiesta Mexicana that is taking place this week in Topeka.  On the far right is Wanda Treinen, Charitable Contributions coordinator.

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Boy Scout Troop #173 representatives from Mayetta, Kan. received a check for $1,250 today.

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We-Ta-Se American Legion Post #410 liaisons Frank Shopteese (red shirt) and Jim Potts received $5,500 that will be used to upgrade uniforms, equipment and military burial items for veterans.  They are one of the oldest Native American legion posts in the Nation and have approximately 85 members in the organization.

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Holding the microphone is Jane Metzger who is with two other representatives from the East Topeka Senior Center.  The center received a $1,000 donation that will be used toward providing transportation services for senior citizens.

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Heidi Pickerell gives thanks for a $9,000 donation to the Meals on Wheels program in Topeka.

For a complete list of organizations that received donations go to

PBPN 2nd Qtr Charitable Contributions Awards