Charitable Contributions Awards for Fourth Quarter Announced

Charitable Contributions Awards for Fourth Quarter Announced

January 22, 2014 –

MAYETTA, KS- (Jan. 21) -The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) donated $88,812 during its fourth quarter to various organizations in the region.

Lawrence organizations that received donations include: The Haskell Foundation ($20,000), Just Food of Douglas Co. ($6,000); the Lawrence Community Shelter ($5,000) and the Friends of the Kaw ($2,000).

In Topeka, organizations that received awards were: St. Francis Health Foundation ($20,000); Let’s Help ($10,000); Easter Seals Capper Foundation ($5,000); Salvation Army ($5,000); The Boys & Girls Club of Topeka ($5,000); Washburn University Foundation ($4,000); St. Matthew Catholic Church ($2,200); Friends of the Mulvane Art Museum ($2,112), and Ms. Wheelchair of Kansas ($1,500).

Lastly, The Heart of Jackson County Humane Society in Holton received a $1,000 award.