Amerigroup Representatives Visit Tribal Council

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Representatives from Amerigroup RealSolutions in Health Care visited with Tribal Council members today and took a tour of the common land.  On the front row, left to right, is Laura Hopkins (Chief Executive Officer of Amerigroup), Ralph Simon (Tribal Liaison Manager for Amerigroup), and PBPN Chairman Steve Ortiz.  On the back row, left to right, is PBPN Vice Chairperson Joyce Guerrero, Dr. Joe Schlageck (Medical Director for Amerigroup), Tribal Council Member Carrie O’Toole, and Tribal Council Secretary Jim Potter. 

Amerigroup is one of three managed care organizations that was selected to provide services  for Gov. Sam Brownback’s KanCare program that went into effect January 1.  KanCare replaces the federal government’s Medicaid program and is being implemented by the State.  There are 380,000 Medicaid enrollees in Kansas who are choosing between Amerigroup, Sunflower State Health Plan, and UnitedHealthCare Community Plan.  For more information about KanCare educational meetings that are beginning next week, go to the following website  found at

Prairie Band Potawatomi tribal leaders and health care professionals have been attending meetings and workshops with the State and vice versa since the KanCare plan was announced. 
