January 20, 2025


Actor Chaske Spencer Visits PBPN Today

MAYETTA:  Actor Chaske Spencer of the Twilight Saga Series Eclipse, and New Moon Fame, came to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation today and took a tour of the facilities where he met several employees and community members.  He is in Kansas to present workshops on drug and alcohol abuse and bullying prevention issues to tribal youth (11 to 17 years) and their parents who live on the four reservations in Kansas.

Spencer’s first presentation was yesterday from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the Golden Eagle Casino in Horton, Kan. and he will present a second one today at the same time and place. After the workshop, he also held an autograph session last night on the Kickapoo reservation and will  be available tonight for an autograph session at the Prairie Band Common Land at 9 p.m. at the Bingo Hall.

Spencer’s visit is being sponsored by the four tribes police departments of Kansas, the Prairie Band Casino & Resort, Golden Eagle Casino, and other departments and programs found in the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri, and Iowa Tribe of Kansas.

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PBPN Chief of Police Mike Boswell (left) took Chaske Spencer (center) and Amanda Cryer (right) on a tour of the Government Center  and other buildings today.  Cryer has been accompanying Spencer on his visit to Kansas where she is a representative of the United Global Shift organization.

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Royal Valley senior Kira Vega with Chaske Spencer at the Government Center.

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Jeannie Howley, administrative assistant, gave Spencer a bear with a Pendleton jacket as a gift during his visit to the Government Center.

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Vice Chair Joyce Guerrero met the actor today.

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Human Resources Director Donna Valdivia-Wofford (left)  and Liana Onnen, general manager, (right) pose with Spencer.

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Members of the Finance Department and two Tribal Council administrative assistants photographed with Spencer today.

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The actor with Kristen Aitkens, Director of Education, in her office.

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Spencer visits with Sandy Mitchell, receptionist  in the lobby, and tribal member Mary Brown whose back is to the camera.  Cheryl Walker (not pictured) also met Spencer.

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Jancita Warrington, Tribal Council member, stops to pose with the Twilight actor.

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The Member Services staff with Spencer in their office.  Left to right, Paul Vega, Arlene Lingo, Spencer, Voncile Mitchell, and Jim Garcia.

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Left to right, Priscilla Martin, Shonna Smith, Cherie Jim, Nikki Frye, Donna Valdivia-Wofford and Jillena Knoxseh with the Human Resources Department photographed with Spencer.