14th Annual Veterans Pow-wow This Saturday

September 21, 2011 –

MAYETTA: We-Ta-Se American Legion Post #410 is gearing up for their 14th annual pow-wow that will take place this Saturday at Prairie Peoples Park. Grand Entry begins at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Honored veterans this year who will be recognized during the pow-wow are Ron Wahweotten (Korea) and Sandra Bodah (Desert Storm).  In addition, nine Potawatomi names will also be announced and added to the Veterans Memorial Wall that is also located in Prairie Peoples Park. They are Robert Comacho (non-conflict), Frank R. McDonald (WWII), John M. McDonald (WWII), Joseph A. McDonald (WWII), William M. McDonald (WWII), Levi L. Rice (WWII), Richard L. Rice (Korea), Timothy J. Shane (Iraq), and Larry G. Steward, Non-conflict).

The 2012 We-Ta-Se princess will also be selected by the veterans this week and introduced at the pow-wow.  Sylvanna Levier-Jessepe is this year’s We-Ta-Se princess.

For more information call Frank Shopteese at 785.966.2580 or download a flier on this website’s homepage  at