Prairie Band Health Center Update


The Prairie Band Health Center is committed to providing the best care in the safest way possible to the PBPN Community and will begin expanding the scope of available services effective Monday, May 18, 2020, in the transition back to full operations. The Health Center will keep the adjusted service hours of 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Monday through Friday and all patients will be given a symptom assessment prior to entry to the building.

The Health Center has obtained an Abbott Rapid Molecular Analyzer and will now provide COVID-19 testing on-site as directed by a provider with results available in approximately 15 minutes. The testing process will allow symptomatic patients to stay in their vehicle for the duration of their visit. To date, the Prairie Band Health Center has identified 9 PUI’s (persons under investigation), with all returning negative results.

Other services that will be available at the discretion of providers include scheduling patients for lab work, radiology, and utilizing Zoom which is HIPAA compliant for patient care.

Here is a breakdown of Health Center processes and additional services:

  • Patients coming to the Health Center are required to call 785-966-8230 upon arrival, at that time they will be given a symptom assessment.
  • Health Center staff will conduct a screening and symptom check on all patients at the main entryway.
  • If a patient presents with COVID related symptoms, they will be directed to the Med bay located on the west end of the building for testing.


  • At this time, there will be no access to a waiting room.
  • The Health Center will use extended appointment slots, to decrease interactions between patients and allow for increased cleaning processes.
  • Walk-in appointments are not available. If you feel you need to be seen, you must call ahead to 785-966-8230. You may be able to be seen the same day, pending availability.


  • The Pharmacy will continue to remain open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • The Pharmacy will continue to be accessed through the drive-up window only.


  • Dental Clinic will remain closed. Anyone with a dental emergency can call 785-966-8230 for further instruction.

Diabetes Prevention

  • The Wellness Center (gym) located in the Health Center remains closed.
  • DPP is offering information and content via Facebook “PBP Nation – Diabetes Prevention Program” and can be reached at 785-966-8272 for additional questions.

Behavioral Health

  • The Behavioral Health Department will begin to widen the scope of services and will directly inform patients of changes specific to their situation.
  • Behavioral Health will provide a symptom assessment to all guests prior to entry into the building.

Moving Forward

  • The Health Center is recruiting for more essential staff, including a Physician and Nurse Practitioner.
  • The Health Center facility is installing structural modifications to the lab, ambulance bay, and creating enclosure areas as needed, along with implementing sliding doors and sneeze guards in high traffic areas.

The coronavirus pandemic continues to be an ongoing and evolving situation. Individuals should continue to social distance and wear a mask in public spaces. Preventive actions have proven to slow the spread of COVID-19 and everyone is still highly encouraged to:

  • Stay home and limit contact with the public.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw away in the trash.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Refrain from handshakes or hugs.

The best source of updated information continues to be the CDC, or your state health department. For Kansas residents’ visit KDHE’s website –